DMPQ- Write a short note on the differentiated banking.

Differentiated banks are banking institutions licensed by the RBI to provide specific banking services and products.It is a system refers to the system of different licenses for different sub components of the banking sector such as Limited Banking License, Commercial Banking License etc. A differentiated license will allow a bank to offer products only in … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on the differentiated banking.

DMPQ- District Mineral foundation.

District Mineral Foundation (DMF) is a trust set up as a non-profit body, in those districts affected by the mining works, to work for the interest and benefit of persons and areas affected by mining related operations. It is funded through the contributions from the holder of major or minor mineral concession in the district … Read more DMPQ- District Mineral foundation.

DMPQ- Explain the importance of an Independent judiciary and describe the constitutional provisions to ensure the independence of Judiciary.

Need of Independent judiciary: To have rule of law Ensure constitutional ethos and values remain intact. Prevent whims and fancies, arbitrariness of Legislature and Executive To do complete Justice Act as a ray of hope if executives and legislature fail to deliver on democratic and constitutional principles, values and ethos. Ensure Fundamental rights are not … Read more DMPQ- Explain the importance of an Independent judiciary and describe the constitutional provisions to ensure the independence of Judiciary.

DMPQ- Why Jute Industries are more concentrated in West Bengal? Also give an account of the problems faced by Jute Industry in India.

The main reasons for concentration of jute industries in WB are: Favourable condition for Jute production: Ample amount of water, high humidity and warm and wet climate. Secondly cheap labour is also available from Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha etc Hubly river also provide import and export of jute. Problem faced by Jute industry: Shortage of … Read more DMPQ- Why Jute Industries are more concentrated in West Bengal? Also give an account of the problems faced by Jute Industry in India.

DMPQ- Explain the Global counter terrorism strategy adopted by United Nations General assembly.

The UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy  is a unique global instrument to enhance national, regional and international efforts to counter terrorism. Through its adoption by consensus in 2006, all UN Member States agreed the first time to a common strategic and operational approach to fighting terrorism. The Strategy does not only send a clear message that … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Global counter terrorism strategy adopted by United Nations General assembly.

DMPQ- How the crisis of Communal violence can be prevented. Suggest possible solution.

Measures to deal with communalism: Efficient criminal justice system. Sensitive policing developed early-warning indicators to prevent racial clashes. Prevent criminals to become Legislators and law makers. Hate speeches shall be dealt strictly. Regulation of social media and fake news factories. Development of scientific temper among the citizens and especially in schools. Codified guidelines for the … Read more DMPQ- How the crisis of Communal violence can be prevented. Suggest possible solution.