DMPQ- Inclusive growth is the major model to be focus by developing economies to achieve overall development. What are the characteristics of inclusive growth.

Economic growth is inclusive when growth percolates to all the sectors of the economy and the development is not concentrated to certain pockets but in all region.  The growth should reduce the inequality between the rich and the poor. SALIENT FEATURES OF INCLUSIVE GROWTH Participation– People are able to participate fully in economic life and … Read more DMPQ- Inclusive growth is the major model to be focus by developing economies to achieve overall development. What are the characteristics of inclusive growth.

DMPQ- Economic reforms of 1991 had positive results on Indian economy. Comment

In 1991, India launched a process of economic reforms in response to a fiscal and balance-of-payments (BoP) crisis. The reforms and the related programmes are still going on with changing emphasis and dimensions. The economic reform programme, that India launched, consisted of two categories of measures: Macroeconomic Stabilisation Measures and Structural Reform Measures. POSITIVE IMPACTS … Read more DMPQ- Economic reforms of 1991 had positive results on Indian economy. Comment

DMPQ- Bharatmala Project.

The Ministry of road transport and highways has taken up detailed review of NHs network with a view to develop the road connectivity to Border areas, development of Coastal roads including road connectivity for Non-Major ports, improvement in the efficiency of National Corridors, development of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder Routes along with integration … Read more DMPQ- Bharatmala Project.

DMPQ- What is interim budget?

Interim Budget, also known as ‘a vote on account’, essentially means that the government seeks the approval of Parliament for meeting expenditure for the first four months of the fisca l year (April-March) — paying salaries, ongoing programmes in various sectors etc — with no changes in the taxation structure, until a new government takes … Read more DMPQ- What is interim budget?

DMPQ:Contribution of MSME sector is immense in Indian economy. Comment

MSMEs are labour intensive, have the advantage of low cost of production and can make good use of locally available resources pushing demand and growth The sector offers wide range of employment opportunities and absorbs most of the working age population Majorly consists of handlooms, handicrafts, coir, sericulture, khadi and village industries, small scale industries … Read more DMPQ:Contribution of MSME sector is immense in Indian economy. Comment

DMPQ-The growth of Indian economy since 1991 reforms can be described as the service sector led economic growth. Analyze its major impacts on the Indian Economy? Do you think that service sector led growth is sustainable in the long run? Give reasons with statistical support?

The period 2000-2010 was a golden period for growth of services in India, one of rapid services-led economic growth in India; the economy grew at an average annual rate of 7.2 per cent, and around 63 per cent of this growth came from growth of services. Such growth leads to a belief that India is … Read more DMPQ-The growth of Indian economy since 1991 reforms can be described as the service sector led economic growth. Analyze its major impacts on the Indian Economy? Do you think that service sector led growth is sustainable in the long run? Give reasons with statistical support?

DMPQ-. The declining growth in agriculture owing to two consecutive drought years indicating a building up rural distress, discuss a roadmap to ensure complete agrarian transformation of sort to ensure sustainable livelihoods for the farmers and food security for the population?

The decline in agriculture growth is attributed to two consecutive drought years; as 60% of Indian agriculture is rain-fed. A target of 4% growth has been envisaged for agriculture and allied sectors for twelfth plan period, however, the growth was (-) 0.2 per cent in 2014-15 & 1.1% in 2015-16. The depressing situation of agriculture … Read more DMPQ-. The declining growth in agriculture owing to two consecutive drought years indicating a building up rural distress, discuss a roadmap to ensure complete agrarian transformation of sort to ensure sustainable livelihoods for the farmers and food security for the population?

DMPQ- Comment on JAM trinity. Explain its role in bringing transformational change in service delivery?

JAM Trinity holds the key to one of the biggest pieces of reform ever attempted in India — direct subsidy transfers.  An abbreviation for Jan Dhan Yojana, Aadhaar and Mobile number. The government is pinning its hopes on these three modes of identification to deliver direct benefits to India’s poor.   Benefits of JAM are as … Read more DMPQ- Comment on JAM trinity. Explain its role in bringing transformational change in service delivery?