DMPQ: How did British colonial rule affect Indian agriculture? ( History)

  Commercialisation of Indian agriculture. Changed the nature and structure of agriculture A new class of landlords emerged that rented the land to farmers. Class of Moneylenders became the part of agriculture which destroyed the self sustained village unit. Loss of patronage to handicraft industry added another pressure on Indian land. Support from the ruling … Read more DMPQ: How did British colonial rule affect Indian agriculture? ( History)

DMPQ: Discuss the evolution of civil services in India? (History)

Lord Cornwallis is usually known as the Father of civil services in India. He had introduced the Covenanted Civil Services and the Uncovenanted Civil Services. The Covenanted Civil Services was created out of the Law of the Company. It was the higher civil services and comprised, almost exclusively, of Europeans who were paid very high … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the evolution of civil services in India? (History)

DMPQ: Why there was the growth of militant nationalism at the end of the 19th century? (history)

  i) Realisation that the true nature of British rule was exploitative, and the government, instead of conceding more, was taking away even what existed. ii) Growth of self- confidence and self- respect. iii) Impact of growth of education- increase in awareness and     unemployment. iv) International influences and events which demolished the myth of white/ … Read more DMPQ: Why there was the growth of militant nationalism at the end of the 19th century? (history)

DMPQ: What are 9 Basic Hindu Beliefs?

Reverence for Our Revealed Scriptures Hindus believe in the divinity of the Vedas, the world’s most ancient scripture, and venerate the Agamas as equally revealed. These primordial hymns are God’s word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion which has neither beginning nor end. All-Pervasive Divinity Hindus believe in a one, all-pervasive Supreme … Read more DMPQ: What are 9 Basic Hindu Beliefs?

DMPQ: Highlight the The Ideal of Service in Buddhism

  The “Mahaparinibbana Sutta” of the Dighanikaya describes seven conditions for the welfare, prosperity, and happiness of any community, nation or country. These conditions must be considered before serving the people for their gradual development and welfare. These seven conditions are: To assemble on occasion whenever necessary to discuss the affairs of the community. To … Read more DMPQ: Highlight the The Ideal of Service in Buddhism

DMPQ: Discuss the provisions of the charter act of 1861.(history)

:   Major provisions of the act are as follows:   Introduction of portfolio system by lord canning. Expansion of executive council. Now there were 4 members. For legislative purpose, the governor general council was expanded. Now 6-12 additional members can be nominated. There were appointed for a period of 2 years. Out of these, at … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the provisions of the charter act of 1861.(history)

DMPQ: Discuss the provision of the charter act of 1853. (history)

        the legislative and executive functions of the Governor-General’s council were separated.   This act served as the foundation of the modern parliamentary form of government. The legislative wing of the Governor-General’s Council acted as a parliament on the model of the British Parliament.   It extended the company’s rule for an indefinite period unlike … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the provision of the charter act of 1853. (history)

DMPQ: What could be the reasons for the acceptance of “Partition” by the Congress ?

By accepting the Mountbatten Plan/Partition, the Congress was only accepting what had become inevitable because of the long-term failure of the Congress to draw in the Muslim masses into the national movement and stem the surging waves of Muslim communalism, which, especially since 1937, had been beating with increasing fury. The Congress leaders felt by … Read more DMPQ: What could be the reasons for the acceptance of “Partition” by the Congress ?

DMPQ: Write a short note on Sayyid Ahmad Khan and the Aligarh movement.

He said that religion should be adaptable with time or else it would become fossilised, and that religious tenets were not immutable. He advocated a critical approach and freedom of thought and no dependence on tradition or custom. He was also a zealous educationist—as an official, he opened schools in towns, got books translated into … Read more DMPQ: Write a short note on Sayyid Ahmad Khan and the Aligarh movement.