Rajasthan Agriculture

Rajasthan Agriculture Agriculture and allied sector continues to be the backbone of the State’s economy and endures to be the large contributor of the GSDP. 75 per cent population of the State resides in the rural areas and about 62 per cent depend on agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood. Agriculture and allied sector … Read more Rajasthan Agriculture

Relief and structure of Rajasthan

Rajasthan- Relief and Structure   The main geographic feature of Rajasthan is the Aravalli Range, which runs across the state from southwest Guru Peak (Mount Abu), which is 1,722 m in height to Khetri in the northeast, for more than 850 km. This divides Rajasthan into 60% in the North West of the lines and … Read more Relief and structure of Rajasthan

Rivers and drainage system of rajasthan

Rajasthan – Drainage System Rajasthanis biggest state in area with 5.5 percent population but only 1 percent water resources of the country. State is divided in to 13 watersheds and 59 sub-watersheds. Most of the Subscribe on YouTube Rivers originate from the Aravali hills and flow either in east or west. Those Rivers flowing in … Read more Rivers and drainage system of rajasthan

Rajasthan : Lakes of rajasthan

SALT WATER LAKES Sambhar Lake Located in jaipur, nagore and ajmer this is the largest saline water lake in entire India and a major source of salt production in India(8%). The lake stretches in length for 22.5 km and its width varies from 3 to 11 km. The lake is fed by several freshwater streams. … Read more Rajasthan : Lakes of rajasthan

Natural Vegetation of Rajasthan

  Rajasthan is blessed with great variety of natural resources ranging from scanty vegetation in the western arid region to mixed delicious and sub-tropical evergreen forests in the east and south east of Aravali ranges. Forest cover is 32744.49 sq.km.(12475 sq.km. is reserved, 18222 sq.km.is Protected Forest 2046.75 is unclassified forest) which is about 9.57% of the total … Read more Natural Vegetation of Rajasthan

Climate of Rajasthan

Climate of Rajasthan   Like its varying topography, Rajasthan has varying climate. The weather or climate of the Rajasthan can be broadly classified into four distinct seasons. They are – Pre-monsoon, which is the hot season preceding the monsoon and extends from April to June, the Monsoon that occurs in the month of June in … Read more Climate of Rajasthan

Livestock’s of Rajasthan and Their Conservation

  In the arid and semi-arid zone of Rajasthan animal rearing is the primary occupation and source of livelihood. Census of live stock states them to be 5.77 crore in number which accounts for 11.8% of Indian Animal population. Rajasthan has largest number of goats, sheeps, camels and drought animals. Density and Distribution of livestock … Read more Livestock’s of Rajasthan and Their Conservation

Minerals of Rajsthan

Metallic Minerals of Rajsthan Rajasthan ranks second only to Jharkhand in the availability of minerals and is blessed with 79 different minerals. Rajasthan has a monopoly in Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube Non-Metallic Minerals ,while Rajasthan is not so rich in metallic minerals but the quality of metallic minerals available in the state … Read more Minerals of Rajsthan

Conventional Energy Resources of Rajasthan

  Petroleum, natural gas, coal, nitrogen, uranium and water power are examples of conventional sources of energy. They’re also called non-renewable sources of energy and are mainly fossil fuels, except water power. Rising growth of population has created a tremendous pressure on the conventional resources of energy and thus the concept of sustainable development get prominent … Read more Conventional Energy Resources of Rajasthan

Non-conventional Energy Resources of Rajasthan- for RAS RTS Exams

Development of non-conventional sources of energy is of prime importance for the sustainable and inclusive growth in the state. Conventional energy resources are depleting at an accelerated rate and non-conventional resources could play a leading role in energy security in the state. Non-Conventional energy resources could minimise the transmission cost and energy divide between the … Read more Non-conventional Energy Resources of Rajasthan- for RAS RTS Exams

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