DMPQ: Explain the following term: a) Biomagnification b) Bioremediation

Biomagnification:         Biomagnification refers to increase in concentration of the toxicant at successive trophic levels. This happens because a toxic substance accumulated by an organism cannot be metabolised or excreted, and is thus passed on to the next higher trophic level. This phenomenon is well known for mercury and DDT. Bioremediation:  Bioremediation is a biotechnical process, … Read more DMPQ: Explain the following term: a) Biomagnification b) Bioremediation

DMPQ: What are ethical issues attached with Biotechnology? Discuss in detail.

The progress of science in the 20th and 21st centuries exploded, creating technologies that reshaped society and extended lives. The pace of change was so great that it took society years to start asking questions about the ethics or morality of new developments. Now, humanity is at a major crossroads, where further investment in biotechnologies could change the way humans live … Read more DMPQ: What are ethical issues attached with Biotechnology? Discuss in detail.

DMPQ: Enumerate the difference between ballistic and cruise missile.

  Ballistic Cruise Launched directly into the high layers of the earth’s atmosphere A cruise is a guided missile that can destroy a target over long distance with high accuracy. Follows parabolic path Does not follow parabolic path It depends on gravity hence called ballistic. Does not depend upon gravity Classified by coverage Classified by … Read more DMPQ: Enumerate the difference between ballistic and cruise missile.

DMPQ: Explain the Concepts of air breathing propulsion and re-usable launch vehicle? How these two technology can be game changer for our quest for space?

Air breathing propulsion system: In order to provide thrust by the launch vehicles propellants are used. 70% of the constituent of propellant is oxidiser.  So air breathing propulsion system utilise the atmospheric oxygen as an oxidiser to burn the fuel. Ramjet, Scramjet and Dual Mode Ramjet (DMRJ) are the three concepts of air-breathing engines which … Read more DMPQ: Explain the Concepts of air breathing propulsion and re-usable launch vehicle? How these two technology can be game changer for our quest for space?

DMPQ: What are Chemical weapons? Give some examples.? List down the conventions against the use of chemical weapons.

Chemical weapons are specialised weapons that deliver chemicals that inflict death or injury on humans through chemical actions. They are also called poor man’s bomb because they are relatively cheap and easy to produce. Example of chemical weapons are mustard gas, phosgene, chlorine and nerve agents sarin and VX.           Sarin: The UN had confirmed … Read more DMPQ: What are Chemical weapons? Give some examples.? List down the conventions against the use of chemical weapons.

DMPQ: What is Integrated Guided Missile Development programmes?

The Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) was conceived by renowned scientist Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam to enable India attain self-sufficiency in the field of missile technology. The following are the Key components of the Programme:   Short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile Prithvi-The Prithvi missile is a family of tactical surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missiles … Read more DMPQ: What is Integrated Guided Missile Development programmes?

DMPQ: Write in 50 words about each of the following: a) Brahmos B) Nirbhaya c) Cannister launch missile system

Q.    What is cannister launch missile system. Ans. Cannister based launch system serve as a container for transportation and it is always easy to carry missiles in canister. It act as a housing during storage abroad a vessel. This system will give the forces the operational flexibility to promptly transport ballistic missile and launch … Read more DMPQ: Write in 50 words about each of the following: a) Brahmos B) Nirbhaya c) Cannister launch missile system

DMPQ: What are allotropes? Discuss the allotropes of carbon with their features.

Allotrope: An element, in different forms, having different physical properties but similar chemical properties is known as allotropes of that element. Carbon has three well known allotropes which are graphite, diamond and buck minster fullerene. These are formed by carbon atoms. Following are the allotropes of carbon: Graphite:  Each carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms … Read more DMPQ: What are allotropes? Discuss the allotropes of carbon with their features.

DMPQ: Higher teledensity will help to solve various problems. In light of this discuss the recently drafted National telecom policy.

The national telecom policy in work will focus on complete transition of the country from physical to digital infrastructure, with norms to push availability of high speed and uninterrupted broadband services in mission mode.   One of the key strategies in the draft talks of recognising spectrum as a key natural resources for public benefit … Read more DMPQ: Higher teledensity will help to solve various problems. In light of this discuss the recently drafted National telecom policy.

DMPQ: Discuss the role played by DRDO in Life science field. 

DRDO has played a stellar role since its inception in 1958. Having established a sound ecosystem and supported by a large pool of committed manpower, we have today a proven competence to produce strategic and state-of-the-art tactical military hardware and related technologies, in diverse disciplines covering Aeronautics, Missiles, Naval Systems, Armament & Combat Engineering, Electronics, … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the role played by DRDO in Life science field.