DMPQ: What are the types of pressure groups? Discuss the significane of Pressure groups.

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Pressure group is an organised group of people that wants to influence the policies or activities of those in able to make decision. This could be at a local, national or international level of government. There are various types of Pressure groups summarised below:

  • Social or Identity based groups: They have one particular identity. There are two types of this category. Community service like Singh Sabha movement andf Mobilisation for political ends eg. RSS and VHP
  • Associational or Professional groups like FICCI,CII, Bar council
  • Institutional groups – They exist within the government and exert pressure through government machinery. Example IAS lobby, IPS lobby etc
  • Ad hoc groups- formed for a specific purpose and dissolve after goal is achieved


Significance of pressure groups:

  • Serve as a channel of communication between state and citizen
  • They help to keep democracy alive between the elections.
  • It prevents the emergence of any dominate force in society.
  • They provide data information , technical inputs
  • They check the arbitrary use of state power.
  • They broaden the scope of popular participation.
  • They are reservoir of political leadership
  • Pressure group act as legislatures behind legislators..


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