Rajasthan geographical location

  Rajasthan geographical location:-       Rajasthan, located at the northwestern part of India is the biggest state in the country. This colossal state has an area of 3,42,239sq.km encompassing 11% of the total geographical area of the country. In fact Rajasthan’s area is similar to that of Western countries like Italy (3, 01,200 sq. km.), … Read more Rajasthan geographical location

Agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir

Agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir Livelihood of the majority of the population of the Jammu & Kashmir State revolves around the agriculture and allied sectors. These sectors constitute the mainstay of the State’s economy and contribute nearly 50 per cent to GSDP. Over 70 per cent of the population, of more than 1.25 crores depends, … Read more Agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir

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