DMPQ- Policy framers must recognise the wide diversity of Adivasi in order to address their different problem. Elucidate.

seven adults of Khariasavar community died within a span of just two weeks. The life span is approximately 26 years less than the average India’s life expectancy. This is not normal for mainstream society like us. Similarly all adivasis are facing one or the other problems which are not recognised at policy levels and as … Read more DMPQ- Policy framers must recognise the wide diversity of Adivasi in order to address their different problem. Elucidate.

DMPQ- Poona pact had a huge impact on the post independent political phase of India. Comment

The 1931 Poona Pact shaped India’s Dalit political representation, and its implications are felt even in today’s parliamentary elections. At the heart of it lay a fundamental difference in their points of view. While Gandhi saw untouchability as a social issue, Ambedkar understood caste as a political one. The Gandhi Ambedkar conflict was over how … Read more DMPQ- Poona pact had a huge impact on the post independent political phase of India. Comment

DMPQ- Describe the process of election of Rajya sabha member and how it is different then that of Lok sabha member.

Rajya Sabha members are elected indirectly by the people, that is, by the MLAs. Members of a state’s Legislative Assembly vote in the Rajya Sabha elections in proportional representation with the single transferable vote (STV) system. Each MLA’s vote is counted only once. To win a Rajya Sabha seat, a candidate should get a required number of votes. That number … Read more DMPQ- Describe the process of election of Rajya sabha member and how it is different then that of Lok sabha member.

DMPQ- CONVID-19 has caused a fall in production and decline in demand. Comment on the economic uncertainty due to CONVID-19.

World economy is expecting a slow down due to the spread of COVID-19 in around 115 countries. WHO has recently termed the COVID-19 pandemic and US has termed it as emergency situation. As a result of the virus spread global economy is facing serious situations like: Travel and trade have been severely affected in the … Read more DMPQ- CONVID-19 has caused a fall in production and decline in demand. Comment on the economic uncertainty due to CONVID-19.

Economic Survey- Chapter IV- Undermining Markets: When Government Intervention Hurts More Than It Helps

Undermining Markets: When Government Intervention Hurts More Than It Helps   Fact:  Index of economic freedom is brought out by the heritage foundation. India wascategorized as ‘mostly unfree’ with a scoreof 55.2 in 2019 ranking the Indian economy129th among 186 countries, i.e., in thebottom 30 per cent of countries. Fact: the Global Economic Freedom Index, … Read more Economic Survey- Chapter IV- Undermining Markets: When Government Intervention Hurts More Than It Helps

DMPQ- Explain the following term: • Coal Bed methane • Gas Hydrate • Shale Gas

Coal bed methane: Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is an unconventional form of natural gas found in coal deposits or coal seams. CMB is formed during the process of coalification, the transformation of plant material into coal. It is considered a valuable energy resource with reserves and production having grown nearly every year since 1989. Varied … Read more DMPQ- Explain the following term: • Coal Bed methane • Gas Hydrate • Shale Gas

DMPQ- Write a short note on the Aggregate Technical and Commercial losses ( AT & C) and smart meters

It is the difference between energy input units into the system and the units for which the payment is collected.ATC Loss is the actual measure of overall efficiency of the distribution business asit measures both technical as well as commercial losses. ATC Loss(%) = (Energy Input – Energy Realised)X100 The concept of Aggregate Technical & … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on the Aggregate Technical and Commercial losses ( AT & C) and smart meters

DMPQ- Electoral process need to be more fair and transparent as some unhealthy patterns have emerged. Comment

Elections have on the evolutionary path of being transparent, more inclusive and efficient. But recently unhealthy practices and patterns have emerged. This patterns are anti to the development of robust democracy. Some of these patterns are as follows: Candidates and winners in assembly are from the affluent section which explicitly shows the nexus between money … Read more DMPQ- Electoral process need to be more fair and transparent as some unhealthy patterns have emerged. Comment